Priorities for San Diego Students, Teachers, & Schools
My hope is that with my experience as a teacher leader, curriculum expert, and passionate youth advocate, I will be able to promote change within the County’s current structure of student learning. Our youth deserve people who will stand up and fight for their right to a quality education regardless of their background and location, just like their flourishing peers throughout San Diego County.
The Juvenile Court and Community Schools serve the County’s most vulnerable students, students who are facing homelessness, are in the foster care system, are young parents, or have spent time in our Courts. Having been in these classrooms, talked with the students and teachers, I know it takes a very nuanced understanding to effectively support our kids. Our students need a leader who has on-the-ground K-12 classroom teaching experience and will prioritize their socio-emotional and academic needs.
I promise to constantly look at our data so we can review what current systems are working and which systems can be improved on. I promise to stay connected to our students and their teachers by regularly checking in on classrooms and building relationships. I promise to work on achieving our district’s academic and attendance goals by addressing root issues and not simply looking for bandaid solutions. I promise to do my best for our kids.
It is important to me that every teacher enters into our classrooms fully equipped and trained appropriately to teach our students. I would like to improve our teacher practices by regularly visiting classrooms and meeting with teacher leaders to review current professional growth systems. From there, I will work with our new Superintendent to ensure assistant superintendents are properly supporting their teams to ensure quality educators are working within our district.
I would like to also improve our process of hiring teachers. Currently, teachers are often hired through an internal process, despite formal training and experiences. It is vital to me that our teachers have had the appropriate training and preparation BEFORE entering our classrooms.
Review the current expulsion process, including suspensions and the incorporation of Restorative Justice strategies before extreme disciplinary actions are taken. It is critical the root issue behind a student's behavior is addressed. Without this step, we cannot prevent repeat situations from happening. Additionally, look to alternative methods of behavioral management, especially considering how expulsions often target students of minority backgrounds.
I would take action by reviewing current data on students who have been expelled within the Juvenile Court and Community Schools, first. I would break down data by age, race, region, and student background. Using this data, I would pick specific students from each demographic group to review as a case study, to better understand the context of why the student was disciplined, what measure were taken before, and the history of similar expulsions/suspensions in that specific school site.
After a careful review of current trends, I would use this information to inform future appeals brought to our Board, to ensure I am not quick to make assumptions but am also delivering a fair decision.
Review current educational programs and highlight schools who have implemented academic programs with fidelity, rigor, and high-expectations for all students. As a district that specifically serves under-represented students, it is our priority to ensure our students are aptly prepared for college and career once they have graduated.
In order to achieve this goal, my first step would be to review current Local Control and Accountability Plan goals and past year data to observe trends within the district. Secondly, I would review current teaching practices and structures by meeting with the Superintendent to learn more about teacher accountability and professional growth structures. After building context, I would like to observe classrooms to see if these systems are being executed with fidelity and to learn more about our district's strengths and weaknesses within the area of classroom instruction. From there, I would work with my fellow Board Members and our Superintendent to discuss my observations, hopes, and tangible next steps of how we can maintain and uphold rigorous academic standards for our students and teachers.
As a former teacher, I know firsthand what academic rigor looks like. It is not the simple act of providing challenging work to our students, but also providing the supports our students need meet those grade level expectations so they can be successful.
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